Supersonic: the Bell X-1 DVD

Supersonic: the Bell X-1 DVD

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The rocket powered Bell X-1 was the first aircraft to exceed the speed of sound, shattering the transonic barrier in October 1947.  Tied closely to the classic mythology of the American test pilot, the X-1 and her follow-on variants served as research platforms for well over a decade.  Our X-1 DVD package is almost three hours in length, and contains the following:

  • "Supersonic: the Bell X-1," a twelve-minute long original film that serves as an overview of the X-1 research program and an introduction to the DVD content
  • a 1948 United States Air Force briefing film covering the original X-1 aircraft and the early transonic research program
  • The U.S. Air Force documentary "Flight to the Future," featuring the Bell X-1 and X-2, plus glimpses of the Douglas X-3, Northrop X-4, and Bell X-5
  • An extended composite mission highlighting the early X-1
  • footage of the first X-1 glide flights at Florida's Pinecastle Army Air Field
  • exciting coverage of a 1949 X-1 ground launch, the only time this was done in the entire research program
  • footage of an extended X-1A composite mission
  • X-1B composite mission footage
  • X-1E composite mission footage
Running time approximately 173 minutes. NTSC, 16:9 widescreen, encoded for all regions. All footage and images courtesy NARA and USAF. Compilation ©2019, This DVD contains both silent and sound film elements.